thorough assessments to identify workplace hazards

and assess associated risks

At Prudence, our versatile team offers a broad range of industrial hygiene services. Our expertise extends to thorough inspections and investigations of asbestos, lead, and mold, as well as comprehensive indoor air quality (IAQ) evaluations. We're adept in ensuring adherence to community right-to-know (RTK) policies and maintaining Global Harmonization System (GHS) safety data sheet compliance. Our suite of services also encompasses risk management, loss prevention, as well as specialized training in occupational safety and industrial hygiene practices.

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Mold Services

  • Prudence offers a full suite of solutions aimed at forestalling mold-related problems, probing into the causes of moisture intrusion, and advising on smart corrective actions. Unchecked water infiltration can lead to significant issues; thus, we prioritize early detection and intervention. We're fully aware of the implications mold can have on the well-being of occupants, the nuances of insurance coverage, and the risks of potential legal disputes, and are here to guide you through each step.
Safety Inspection

Exposure Assessment Services

  • Our Exposure Assessment Service is designed to identify and evaluate potential environmental hazards in your workplace or living spaces. We delve into the specifics of chemical, physical, and biological exposures, determining their presence, concentration, and potential impact on individuals and operations. By recognizing these risks promptly, we can guide you in implementing strategic measures to mitigate them, thereby safeguarding the health of your occupants and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations.
Drinking water testing

Drinking Water Testing Services

  • Our drinking water testing service is essential for commercial building managers, businesses, and public facilities who prioritize the well-being of their families, employees, and communities. We deliver clear, actionable results that not only inform you about the quality of your water but also guide necessary measures for improvement. Trust our expertise to safeguard your water from tap to table, ensuring it is clean, safe, and free from any hazardous elements.
Indoor air quality survey

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Services

  • In an era where the health of indoor spaces is paramount, our focus is on elevating IAQ through proactive management strategies. Our services empower building owners and managers to foster well-being within their premises, boosting a building's appeal and value, diminishing legal risks, streamlining facility operations while reducing costs, and strengthening tenant relations.

Minimize Risks. Optimize Operations. Protect Health & Safety.